Using the ‘Four Agreements’ by Don Miguel Ruiz

After your relationship shatters, the main objective is to bury the pain and heal from that narcissistic relationship in hopes of becoming whole again. But how do you know you are on the road to recovery? Applying the ‘Four Agreements’, the bestselling guide to personal freedom by author Don Miguel Ruiz, will help you gain wisdom and heal without getting stuck in bitterness and victimhood.

1. Remember when you had alarmingly high anxiety and had recurring obsessive thoughts about them? When that begins to wane (it will, I promise) and the adrenalin stops coursing through your veins and you find yourself smiling more and sleeping better, you are becoming less attached and taking the experience less personal. This positive sign is a clue that you are moving in the direction of healing.

2. Remember when you told your ‘story’ over and over again to anyone who would listen ad nauseam? You now realize that speaking the story is reliving the pain in your body. Stuck in this loop, your body suffers ongoing inflammatory damage. When you stop regurgitating the story, and only speak that which serves your highest Good you are being impeccable with your word. You begin to repair body, mind and soul.

3. Remember when the thought of dating again was an unbearable idea? You now begin to wonder what it would be like to date. You look at people with interest, and even desire. You commit to make sure not to make assumptions about others and refuse to pigeonhole other potential partners for one toxic romantic experience.

4. Remember when you thought you were permanently broken? Your memories now become reflective and analytical, and you can embrace both the good and bad for the experience and lesson it was. You commit to becoming and doing your personal best and choosing better from this day forward.

As always I am here for you.

Diane Dennis is a RN, certified life coach, holds a certification in training and development, domestic violence advocacy, author, columnist and writer. She has a Youtube channel teaching healing modalities for adult children of narcissists. Get my free guide on Self-Help Rituls for Living Your Best Life here! Email at