Have you found yourself sick since Russia’s horrendous, aggressive invasion of Ukraine? Maybe a cold, digestive irritability, or mood swings? Or do you feel tired, lethargic, depressed, or have feelings of hopelessness and fear punctuated by nightmares and sleeplessness? Your physical, emotional, and mental symptoms are all likely a reaction to your unhealed wounds that have been activated. It does not matter that this is happening on another continent.

Unhealed wounds are not influenced by geography or time.

The unhealed wound stands ever vigilant, one eye open, in our minds and our physical and emotional bodies. It is always on high alert, working the day and night shifts.

Remember a time you were startled by a snake or spider? From that moment on whenever you encounter anything that resembles a snake — even a stick — from the corner of your eye, fear is activated.

Fear is the oxygen your wound breathes. Memory keeps the fear alive. This vigilant watchtower is always on the lookout for the enemy — snake, spider, abusive partner, or tyrant.

One day, along comes the snake, aka the abuser in the form of Putin, invading your sense of safety and security in the form of war on an independent country. The dictator is the proxy for the bully in your life, the Narcissist or abuser who crushed your belief that love was safe, predictable, and fair, or the parent who hit or hurt you.

As we evolve, there is less tolerance for the lower vibration of conflict and war characterized by the victim and bully mentality. With this war, we see that we are not completely free of such atrocities. Yet, as we work on our individual wound healing, and rise to the next level in our evolution, we will as a collective annihilate such behavioral violations from our experience. It is my belief and my dream.

The only path to healing is through the pain, not over or around it. So, perhaps we are all together sinking in the quicksand of this war to work on healing. It is time to use this black stain of an absolute aberration to go inward, study the topography of your wound, acknowledge its presence, study its history, feel the pain and resolve to write another chapter in the healing process of our future.

Together we stand in chorus, to heal the war within the pain body and create an evolutionary leap where border wars are extinct and the bully, dictator, and abuser can no longer be sustained on this plane because this is what we have chosen. And so it is.

Article originally posted on Medium.com