You may take pride in your communication skills, your empathy, the ability to develop deep emotional intimacy, and your compassion. But what you turn into while in a relationship with a Narcissist, is a person you are at times ashamed of, embarrassed about, and left with a deep feeling of defeat and failure.
What happened to the confident, measured, and loving soul you were?
The Narcissist will throw you for a loop, throw you under the bus, keep you off guard and guarded, and confused.
For the daughter of a Narcissist mom, the longer you try to be the ‘good daughter’ and ‘people pleaser’ the longer you remain the victim to the bully.
For the lover to their Narcissist partner, the longer you remain in the relationship the more you lose your identity, your dignity, your confidence, and your heart.
What else do these two scenarios have in common? The person involved with the narcissist, either a parent or partner, is at risk for a deep decline in health. You can end a relationship, and set up boundaries and limitations with a Narcissist, but your health is not replaceable.
Here is the 411 of how your health will decline. You may not think it is serious, just a few stomach aches, headaches, or anxiety; but your health will, over time, take to nosedive.
Maybe you have an extra glass or two of wine to quell the anxiety. Perhaps you are prescribed medication for anxiety. You might start taking more over-the-counter pain relievers or sleep aides. You drink less water and your once-healthy diet is now in the tank. Your mental health is also at risk.
You may become depressed or have suicidal thoughts. Please Seek Help if thoughts like these occur, even one time.
You probably don’t believe that these symptoms are permanent health problems. However, if you know the immediate and long-term implications, you might act quicker to get out of the relationship, setups healthier boundaries, and begin the healing process. Here is what happens to your body when you experience stress symptoms from an abusive relationship:
When you are anxious, afraid, or angry, your adrenal glands work overtime and produce adrenaline. Adrenaline courses through your veins taxing your cardiovascular system. Over time this can lead to cardiovascular disease. The adrenalin decreases the flow of blood to your stomach and intestine, slowing digestion. If you have an underlying condition like IBS, this condition will be exacerbated, causing more and even serious complications.
This is a short overview of what is happening to you physically while you are a victim of the Narcissist.
Healing is imperative to turning the tanking ship that is your life. Take time to heal properly. Learn to love yourself again. Forgive yourself for who you became while in survival mode as you remained trapped as a victim to the bully. Give yourself self-love pampering. Take long walks in nature, breathe deeply, and surround yourself with loved ones. Find a coach or therapist to help you through the healing process.
As always, I am here for you.
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