If you are a highly sensitive person, telling someone ‘That’s Your Problem’ is most likely not in your vocabulary. You take on people’s issues, pain, problems, and it often wears you out. Going to a party is draining. Loud noise suck your energy. You are a super good listener, and people often say: ‘I can’t believe I’m telling you this’. Sound familiar?
There are strategies to help you cope, regain your energy, and change some of the physically and emotionally draining habit you have to save the world from all its agony, by absorbing it up like a sponge.
Dave Markowitz’s new bestselling book ‘Self Care- for the Self- Aware offers remarkable—I know, because like you I am highly sensitive—strategies that really work. For years people would say ‘just get over it’ or ‘block other people’s energy’ or ‘don’t take it in’. None of those panaceas ever worked for me so I began to isolate, say no to big parties, and limit my time in groups. After a while all of the avoiding limited my lifestyle so much I became a hermit, imprisoned by my own sensitivity. Today, I have confidence, freedom, and mastery over my life choices. I go out more, I am more flexible about who I want to be around, and how long I will stay somewhere.
‘Self- Care for the Self- Aware’ offers Five Strategies include: Determine True Responsibility, The Keyhole, The Body Scan, Return to Sender and Recalibration. I recommend purchasing the book, and watching my interview with him on Inspired Conversations on DianeTV.com
Watch Inspired Conversations on DianeTV.com or CTV Channel 5 monthly. Diane Dennis has a nursing degree, is President of Inspired Media Communications, a columnist, radio host and TV producer. Contact Diane at info@inspiredmc.com